Archive for 'Trends and Statistics'
Democracy Alive and Well
According to recent reports, democracy is alive and well in the state of Yucatan…
Posted: June 17th, 2014 under Trends and Statistics.
Comments: none
The End of Fideicomisos?
It may be a little too soon to celebrate, but it appears that the move to end the need for fideicomisos (bank trusts) has great support in the Mexican legislature…
Posted: May 6th, 2013 under Trends and Statistics.
Comments: 1,267
Security in Mexico
Which national capital has the higher murder rate, Washington DC or Mexico City? You would probably be surprised…
Posted: April 30th, 2013 under Trends and Statistics.
Comments: 1,269
Investing in Mexico
When you consider investing your money in Mexico, it helps to consider who else is investing there. Corporations and governments around the world see Mexico as a good investment…
Posted: February 18th, 2011 under Trends and Statistics.
Comments: 2
Real Estate Trends for 2011
While the direction of the US economy is still undetermined, we thought it useful to investigate what analysts and experts have to say about the Real Estate market in Mexico for the coming year…
Posted: December 10th, 2010 under Trends and Statistics.
Tags: real estate, safety, statistics
Comments: 25